Monday, December 11, 2006

Tis the night of the Hollow Wiener (proof of harmony's existence)

Please excuse the title; it is coded to my historical file system.. and provides a good hook for the reader.

I must act to publish now] I had developed a Scientific procedural method as follows: The first occurrence is a Phenomena;
the second occurence is a pattern;
the third time it is your fault.

Situations developed today for the third time.

This is my proof that: "Disturbations or Perturbations to a Harmonious Universal
contin-u-um; Cause traffic accidents.", In this completely interconnected world.

first: in August or July of 2005 I was sitting at a regular coffee spot in Edmonton, Alberta; when I felt a "prescient feeling", that something was odd.. Minutes later there; was a loud bang of two automobiles colliding outside at the corner street crossing.

Second: When I was in China during year 2005, and 2006: I had only seen automobile accidents, on too few occasions; as I had been walking down the street. The drivers may have been distracted by the rare site-ing of a white male teacher. (I do not recall any prescient feeling these times).

Third: On Hastings street, in Vancouver, Canada. As I walked down the street,(feeling some sort of instinctive undefined prescient mood), I noticed an oriental lady stop, hesitate, and turn around in a moment of indecision,. seconds later; a transit bus, passing by another; curbed transit bus; collided at their tramwaylines -connecting each of them to the overhead electrical line grid.

I have documented several other background details of this third instance.
which I may publish as a comment after further assesment.

In my pocket I have a University course outline entitled: Physical hazards of the workplace. Disturbances too a harmonious continuum are not mentioned as a hazzard. Thereby I can confidently assert that this published article advances the state of knowledge of the Physical Sciences. Unless of course anyone can successfully challenge$ that Automobile accidents are not a subject of the science of Physics!

-In the Jurisdiction of British Columbia many automobiles are licenced as "for work purposes."