Saturday, October 14, 2006

(9-11 Premonition) Too see the future in dreams: What it was like.

During October of 1997, I was living in the city of Edmonton,Canada. I was running out of money, and looking for a job. I was going to be forced too move back too my home town at the end of the month when rent was due. I was not starving or, anything involving survival; I just went too sleep as usual.

I woke up in a cold sweat, from a nightmare; I had witnessed/dreamt; a startling event. Many ominous Airplanes had seemingly filled the skies, and they were flying into the side's of buildings with; explosions, torn metal, and building debris resulting. There were mostly large, but some small aircraft as well. the large collisions tapered off, and I remember the reduction of effect as the large explosions did not re-occur.

The events occurred many times in the one dream. Later, but not at first; I did get a sense that it was the same plane/s I was seeing in many repetitions of the same collisions. This repetition was remarkably similar to the news coverage from the major television networks;(brief replays of the final aproach and smash), which I saw years later. The only memorable difference was the large planes had a fearsome, grinning, toothy, smile painted on the nose-cones, (aproximately like that of world war two spitfire aircraft; like I remembered seeing from comic-books, as a kid).

When I awoke from this premonition, I understood, that I had foreseen a new weapon of war that had not yet been conceived of; it was frightening! At the time I could not understand any context with which it would be neccessary to tell, or warn anybody about what I had dreamt. But the intensity of the dream impressed me significantly.

Afterwards I dressed, and began my days job-search, soon forgetting about the dream. At some point thereafter, I went on to dream of the events of the next several years of my life. I am not really sure of the sequence of these premonitional dreams, but I do remember, leaving town and arriving at my brothers; while their I curiously asked them how their Christmas was? They pointed out it had not occurred yet; and I was a little bewildered about why I had already had the memories of it, or even how to explain this too them.

The date I remembered this significant premonition, and the quieter, yet very detailed events of my life which I had predreamed; occurred about three months after the event we now call september 11, 2001. I will not describe that process in this posting.