Saturday, July 01, 2006

ambitious science/ Threading into the Future

The following project has been put on hold: due to my inability to find the time to concentrate on it.

(I am back in North America; and I have a project to announce.

My experience with dreams of the future, and most specifically my fortunate ability to discern the memories and subfacets of the same; has opened up a possibility for following information threads into knowledge of future event scenario's.

This will be a project I will be working on when I have the time.
As an example I will state that, "emotions" and, "Media", have had a traceable influence on what I dream and subsequent occurrences in the post, or "deja vu" reality.

The concept of altering the future is deemed to be problematic in science fiction writings. However their is an error in that logic that is extremely misleading, or may only affect the past not the future. I have encountered evidence, that it is more like a process of fine tuning a future! Hence we are talking about something amenable to Engineering methods. "Psycic Engineering", of the future; is one descriptive view of the goal I am pressing towards.)