Tuesday, August 31, 2004

a new dimension to reality and life

Last year while in a state of altered conciousness I may have discovered another dimension of reality.

upon close observation of the plant life in the vicinity,(trees & shrubs), I began to notice a phenomenal and vivid patern of interconnectedness. The angle of lean, sway, and such of the branches and twigs etc. all seemed to reveal a new type of harmonius order that I further percieved to bear some type of relationship to the jet stream overhead,(The Jetstream may have been a prerequisite to viewing the phennomena). The quality of a new dimension of reality was evident as it all stood out as sensational from 3D as 3D does from 2D.

The patterns were multi-directionaly curvaceous and continous beyond the individual plant. Objects such as parked cars were excluded or alienated from the larger pattern. Their was also a hint of tubularity like dashed lines in drafting.

My obvious conclusion was that of a type of life force extending beyond the individual plant.
Although water was not significant in this perceptive observation; it is most likely that the practice of dowsing is based on this interconnective ordering.

It should be emphasised, I was only able to observe this pattern due to the complete suspension of ordinary logic as we are taught in the west.