Friday, October 29, 2004

Occulting the Lunar Eclipse

Last night I Occulted the eclipse from my coffee shop. What I uncovered is astounding.
It started off pretty mild at 7:15 pm local time, but was not easily noticed untill about 7:25 pm.

I could make out notches in the shadow but could not fully describe them.

I then went to a meeting and managed too come out again about 8:10,

The apearance was total and a dark brown with scratches, and a paler section.

At 8:30 pm upon ending the meeting I went for an 8 block walk to a coffeeshop.
A Known crazy lady passed by me and shrieked out;
"THE SKIES ARE IN THE BARS, Check it out".
Sure enough as I walked by a windowed bar across the street, I could see a man playing pool dressed in all white, and a Bar Bouncer dressed in black standing at the doorway.
I continued on to the coffeeshop and monitored the progression of the eclipse from there.

Subsequent observations followed. A bluish tinge to the central area of the moon,(at the
Mara), then later as the eclipse was ending a fishfin style notched shadow.

Even more interesting, these progressive stages were followed by coresponding human actions such as: -A black dressed waitress shouldering a white handtowel,
and another one in black with a blue sash almost bumping
into me on a trip to the bathroom. I was wearing
a darkened yellow shirt.
-A woman entered the coffeeshop with a tiny red patch on her
clothes, followed suspiciously by a man dressed in nearly
all red.
-A group of large men entered all wearing Earthtones.
-A couple with the woman dressed in black leaning away from
the man with the yellow shirt whom was forced to lean toward
her for conversation.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to correlate these phenomena.

furthermore, In view of the fact occultations are used in the hunt for extraterrestial planets;
knowing that planetary alignments can have an influence on lifeforms, may have implications in the search for life elsewhere in the universe.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss my observations(occultation), please send me an e-mail.