Saturday, September 11, 2010
About Me
- Name: LenPeat T.E.S.O.L.
- Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dry Tale teller. i like too meat and Potato it up a bit. I have Appreciated all of the schools, i attended. I give students my office number 36 for further Assignments and Business, 1(604)684-9661. Resume.A................ Thursday, August 22nd, 2012 Certificate in T.E.S.O.L., 1 Year Teaching English at the South Central University for Nationality's in Wuhan, Hubei, China. a Diploma in Water/Civil Engineering Tech. 8 years Meteorology, Lecturing to the Public with Environment Canada at Airports. Expert Knowledge of the Arctic Environment. You may stay at our hotel for reasonable cost, Even if you choose to study at another Campus. Enjoy our Practical Economics at the B.S.E. ,Engineering or Business if your Math skills are high enough. On Weathering Rain statements. for W.M.O. Your Cool English Teacher has clean Verb area Vowels and constantly is in The Reading office. (Regards: "Right now my Business is Growing in Reputation"). Do you have any Questions? Yes i am on offer to Teach Oversea's or Venture Capitol. Len PEAT., Teacher. Sole Proprietor.
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